Oakvale Road PSD Wastewater Extension Project – Phase I for the Oakvale Road Public Service District

This project consists of CONTRACT NO. 1 – (RUS/ARC ELIGIBLE) will consist of approximately 12,540 L.F. of 8-inch PVC gravity sewer, 496 L.F. of 8-inch DIP gravity sewer, 1,415 L.F. of 6-inch service connection lines, 391 L.F. of 4-inch service connection lines, 1,353 L.F. of 2-inch force main, valves, service lines, meter settings, one duplex grinder pump station, and all appurtenances. Achieving substantial completion within 300 days following the issuance of notice to proceed will be received by Oakvale Road Public Service District.
Specifications (click to expand/collapse)